
The listed universities below are amongst the most popular destinations for Arab Gulf students. They were all alerted by the ICJP for criminal liability. Here is a brief overview of each university's role in facilitating the genocide in Gaza-Palestine.

Newcastle University have research partnerships with the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD), and arms companies that export military goods to Israel (such as Leonardo S.p.A, and BAE Systems). The university invests in various companies that supplies the Israeli military and Israeli weapon manufacturers (such as Elbit Systems and Rafael) with components integrated in their weapon systems. Students at Newcastle University are funneled to spend their lifetime in lethal careers. The university invited the Israeli arms manufacturer Rafael (Pearson Engineering)on its campus during the Israeli genocide in Gaza to exhibit jobs. Students who protested against the university's role in facilitating war crimes were subjected to a university-authorised police brutality. On 29th May 2024, many students left the campus with bruises and injuries, and some were admitted to hospital.

University of Manchester has a long-term ongoing partnership with Thales. Thales is a supplier and co-manufacturer of Israeli weapons, including the Watchkeeper drone which has persistent presence over the skies of Gaza. The university is one of the six strategic partner universities with BAE Systems, an arms manufacturer and supplier to the Israeli military. It also has significant ties to Israeli unversities: Tel Aviv University, and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Universty of Manchester also has partnerships with Airbus and Lockheed Martin. The first exports cluster munitions to Israel, and the later is known for its F-35 jet extensively used to bomb Gaza during the current episode of genocide. Meanwhile, the university has banned the use of words like 'intifada' and 'resistance' as part of its continuous attempts to vilify and demonise its own students who are protesting against its role in the ongoing genocide.

University of Liverpool is an active player in the development of cyber weapons through its partnership with the Defence Science and Technology Lab (Dstl). It has a partnership with BAE Systems to develop autonomous systems and virtual engineering for military use. BAE Systems has at least 9 military goods export licenses to Israel. University of Liverpool funnels its students to work for Rolls Royce which supplies the Israeli Merkava tank with its MT833 engine. The university is also a partner in the Defence Data Research Centre, which focuses on the use of data for military purposes. University of Liverpool authorised police brutality against its own students who were protesting against its connections with the genocide.

Coventry University has research partnerships with BAE Systems and Rolls Royce both of which provide weapons to the Israeli army. It collaborates with the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) in the development of unmanned armoured ground vehicles and contracts with the UK Defence and Security Accelerator. The university has a covenant with the UK armed forces; it signed a commitment to support the armed forces through its educational programmes. Coventry University provides courses that are aligned with the military-industrial agenda. Students of Coventry University are funneled to work for suppliers to the Israeli military such as Airbus, BAE Systems, GE Aviation and Rolls Royce. Coventry University’s Technology Park have previously hosted Lockheed Martin, the world largest arms manufacturer, and the main producer of the F-35 jet intensively used by the Israeli forces to erase Gaza.

Northumbria University has a £50 million partnership with Lockheed Martin, the world's largest weapons producer and the manufacturer of F-35 jets extensively used in the continuous Israeli massacres in Gaza. The university is a co-investor in Lockheed Martin's research, which means that students tuition fees are likely to feed into the killing machines produced by Lockheed. The university funnels its students to work for the Royal Air Force an active participant in the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Students and staff at Northumbria University have reported to us on the consistent intimidation and silencing from the university management to any activity in support of Gaza and Palestine.

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) has partnerships with BAE Systems. BAE Systems supplies the Israeli military with a wide variety of weapons, including components for combat aircraft, munitions, missile launching kits, and armored vehicles. It also has partnerships with Israeli universities: Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. QMUL is part of the UK Ministry of Defence's Team hypersonic which seeks to a hypersonic missile. QMUL works along arm manufacturers (with military goods export licenses to Israel) Leonardo, BAE Systems, MDBA Missile Systems and QinetiQ in military projects. The university took costly legal proceedings against its own students whom are demanding the university to cut its connections with war crimes.

Nottingham University has industrial partnerships with Airbus, BAE Systems, GE Aviation, and Leonardo, all of which provide weapons to the Israeli military. The university violates its own ethical policy by accepting investments from Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems. Both companies are responsible for supplying arms, engines and components to the Israeli military. This includes providing parts for the F-15 and F-35 Fighter Jets used to carry out war crimes on innocent people in Gaza. The university also invites arms dealers like General Dynamics - an arms manufacturer and supplier to the Israeli military - to exhibit in student recruitment fairs. The University of Nottingham payed bailiffs to brutally drag its student protestors out of a peaceful sit-in against its complicity in Israeli war crimes. Alumni of University of Nottingham were murdered in Gaza through the university's role in facilitating the genocide.

Manchester Metropolitan University has research partnerships with various arms producers and dealers, including: Airbus, Safran, Rolls-Royce, Thales, Babcock, Lockheed Martin, MBDA and BAE Systems. All of those companies have military goods export licenses to Israel, and make a significant contribution to the arms in possession of the Israeli military.

University of Portsmouth have a partnership with the military contractor BAE Systems in the provision of a four-and-a-half-year programme. The university also provides training for the Royal Air Force (RAF), the Royal Navy, and the UK Army. Providing military training is one of the key areas of expertise of the university. The university has research collaborations with Defence Science and Technology Lab (Dstl). Dstl regulates partnerships between military companies and UK universities.

University of Leeds have research partnerships with BAE Systems, one of the world's largest arms dealers and a supplier of a wide variety of weapons including munitions, armoured vehicles and combat aircraft to the Israeli military. On February 2024, the university chaplain Zecharia Deutsch, had been reinstated in his pastoral role after taking a leave to join the Israeli army in Gaza as a reservist. On December 2023, the University of Leeds has enrolled in a partnership with the Israeli university: Tel Hai College, while Israel is actively targeting Palestinian education, destoying all universities in Gaza. As students protest against the university's active role in the genocide, the university's security team was protecting the university's complicity and deliberately left students subjected to violent and racist assaults.